Duplex Greyback FSC®
The paper type is the most easily recognizable and most frequently used for packaging foods, such as cake boxes,
lunch boxes and other packaging, with gray side of paper.
Duplex Whiteback (CWB) FSC®
Is made of several plies and is classified as a multi-purpose product.
Thermal Paper FSC®
Is a special fine paper that is coated with a chemical (previously often containing BPA) that changes color
when exposed to heat. It is used in thermal printers and particularly in inexpensive or lightweight devices
such as adding machines, cash registers, and credit card terminals.
Brown paper FSC®
A type of paper made from unbleached wood pulp, used especially to make paper bags and envelopes
or as wrapping for packages.
Art Carton FSC®
Has properties similar to art paper, but the basic material is cardboard. In addition,
art carton has gramasi heavier so thicker than art paper.
Art Paper FSC®
One of the highest quality printing papers and are used for illustrated books, calendars and brochures.
The grammage varies from 80 to 300 g/m2. These papergrades are triple coated with 20 ->
40 g/m2/side and have matte or glossy finish. Higher qualities often contain cotton.
Art Board FSC®
Is a thick paper-based material. While there is no rigid differentiation between paper and paperboard,
paperboard is generally thicker (usually over 0.25 mm, 0.010 in, or 10 points) than paper
Ivory Board FSC®
Has properties similar to art and art paper carton. However, the color ivory paper more opaque
and only one side with a smooth surface. Gramasi commonly used 210 g, 230 g, 250 g, 310 g and 400 g.
The paper type is very suitable for a poster, agenda books and packaging of food products such as paper tray.
Uncoated Woodfree FSC®
Or uncoated fine papers are manufactured using wood that has been processed into a chemical pulp
that removes the lignin from the wood fibers and may also contain 5–25% fillers.
Lightweight Coated Paper (LWC) FSC®
Is essentially a thin paper made from ground spruce pulpwood, reinforced with a small proportion of kraft pulp
to add strength. The resulting paper is then covered with coating in which the most important constituent
is fine-grained clay.
Coated Whiteback FSC®
Is made of several plies and is classified as a multi-purpose product.
Carbonless Copy Paper (NCR) FSC®
A multiple-part paper form that does not use carbon paper. The ink is adhered to the reverse side
of the previous sheet. Originally developed by NCR Corporation and known as "NCR brand, carbonless paper,"
it has also been called "no carbon required" paper.